nature journaling Tired but inspired: how I find inspiration (and what I do when I get a case of the blank page blank-outs) What to do when you’re feeling out of sync.
nature journaling TFTT: Baffled by Buffles The best nature journal you have is the nature journal you have on you.
mindset "Failure is vital." "What are the lessons here?" I asked myself. The most important one had nothing to do with paint.
inspiration Happy Second! Today, I share more about another of my passions in honor of the upcoming holiday.
inspiration Life Noticed turns 1! Share your feedback 🙏 That's 50 articles with plans for more. What would you love to hear more about?
inspiration Taking my own advice Sometimes, listening to what I need means listening to what I’ve shared.
inspiration Talking to myself What inspires others isn’t up to you. What’s up to you is to share what you’ve got.
habits 30-day challenged Streaks can be great motivators, but they can also be crippling. Here's another approach.
mindset 9 questions to help you find your way Where are you going? Here are nine questions to ask when you want to uncover what matters most.